High Heat Stats is looking for a few good men and women (a call for new baseball writers)

UPDATE: We have found 5 new writers, to be announced shortly.

High High Stats is looking to add some new writers. I have a few people in mind, but haven’t approached anybody yet, so if you’re interested, please drop me an email.

Here are some of the details:

  • Our blog averages 30-35 comments per post, so you’re guaranteed to reach a good, responsive audience with your posts.
  • You can contribute as much or as little as you like. If you want to write once a month, great. Once a day, great. Whatever works for you works for us.
  • You can promote your own blog, Twitter feed, Facebook page, etc.
  • We won’t be paying anything for now, although that might change. I do regularly engage in profit sharing, although lately I have been reinvesting profits in server upgrades.
  • When we add the new authors, we will be adding a new author profile page where you can highlight yourself as much (or as little) as you choose.

We’ve got quite a nice community here, and I am looking to continue to build it. I have an eventual goal of taking this thing to a larger stage, so hop on board if you’d like to be part of it!

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Mike L
12 years ago

Raise your hands, people. There’s some really wonderful, detailed and well researched observations from so many of the people who comment here. Also, think of it not merely as a chance at glory, but a way to save John A’s hard drive. Man and machine may be exhausted.

Mike L
12 years ago
Reply to  Andy

sorry for underestimating your advocacy skills….

12 years ago

I have always had a passion for writing one way or the other and when it comes to sports I enjoy baseball the most (with football a close second). I have always enjoyed reading this blog ever since I saw it originally on Baseball Reference. The only problem is the fact that there are a few things that baseball experts talk about here that I haven’t quite picked up on yet (still learning about WAR among a few other things) But at the same time I am pretty fascinated about the idea of writing. I like talking about HOF candidates,… Read more »

12 years ago

I would like to do it but I doubt I’d be seriously considered. Mostly because if I were you, I wouldn’t seriously consider me either. HA! I think it would be nice to get some evaluation of statistics on here. I guess it’s less directly focused on baseball and more a need to talk about how we measure baseball. In particular, we are rarely critical of statistics and their value. Coming up with a cool new stat and reporting the top 10 players with that stat in the month of august 1974 may be entertaining but it doesn’t further the… Read more »