What’s new at High Heat Stats

Andy here with just a few quick updates.

  • I’m updating the theme–it may look a bit wonky for a couple of days, but I’ll get it all sorted out.
  • Importantly, it will continue to run fast and lean.
  • We are about to embark on another season of writing for USA Today Sports Weekly. I have a great group of writers, including a bunch of new folks. Ely will also be posting all the articles here on HHS, so you can just keep watching here to see them all.
  • We’ll also have new content coming to this site here, from both new authors and old.

UPDATE: congratulations to Doug, who has been promoted to HHS’ new Senior Baseball Writer. Many thanks to him for keeping the site alive for quite a while now.

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Richard Chester
Richard Chester
8 years ago

A big improvement is restoration of numbered comments.

8 years ago

Well, the comments are numbered in the posts, but the totals don’t display on the front page.

I’m not really wild about the font.

e pluribus munu
e pluribus munu
8 years ago

The news about upcoming additions to new writers sounds great, and I’m very glad the site’s back up. On my browser (Chrome), the font and flashing is so large that not much appears on the screen: the dialog box I’m typing is already full right at this *** point– about 55 characters to a line, and the box holds only five lines — it would very hard to post complex stats. I hope the typeface will shrink back to normal size. But it’s certainly good to see the post numbers back. Thanks, Andy!

e pluribus munu
e pluribus munu
8 years ago
Reply to  Andy

Whoops – I posted my answer at #11 below by mistake. (So great just to be able to use the number!)

Voomo Zanzibar
Voomo Zanzibar
8 years ago

I am number 4 !
Hooray for numbers.

Voomo Zanzibar
Voomo Zanzibar
8 years ago
Reply to  Andy

Suggestions: Seeing as the Circle of Greats is the big ‘body of work’ that this site has generated thus far, the COG page should have a link not only to the spreadsheet listing all the players, but a handy way to link back to all 120+ forums. __________ On that same note, “Recent Posts” could be expanded beyond 10 links, as well. There have been hundreds of fantastic discussions here, and most of them are difficult to access. __________ The “Stats” page… has only one posting. It should be populated with the many useful charts that the HHS writers have… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Voomo Zanzibar

Thanks Voomo,

I can work on those good ideas for Stats and Circle of Greats.

Agree on Chat. I will take it down until a more suitable facility is in place for that type of interaction between participants.

David P
David P
8 years ago
Reply to  Doug

Congrats Doug on your new title as Senior Baseball Writer! A VERY well deserved honor! Thanks for keeping this site running!!!

8 years ago
Reply to  David P

Thanks David.

8 years ago
Reply to  Voomo Zanzibar

Speaking of the body of work we’ve done and the different sections in the site header, don’t we still need to do the St. Louis Cardinals Mt. Rushmore to finish that project as well?

8 years ago

Good catch, CC (how could I have missed the Redbirds!)

e pluribus munu
e pluribus munu
8 years ago

Andy, Replying to your question, here’s some general information about the way the site comes up when I try it out. I’ve been comparing how the page looks in Chrome, Firefox, and IE. It originally came up with extremely large type in Chrome; I’ve lowered the display size by two degrees, and it’s now comparable to Firefox and IE. However, Chrome displays the type in gray color, rather than black, and with this very thin font, that makes it tough on eyes that were never good and are getting worse. As for the size of the box, I’ve tested it… Read more »

e pluribus munu
e pluribus munu
8 years ago
Reply to  Andy

I missed seeing this message when it came in, and I actually came back here to ask whether you’d darkened the font – much easier to read. Thanks!

8 years ago

I like the new design and I am very happy to see you back!

Voomo Zanzibar
Voomo Zanzibar
8 years ago

Will there still be a sidebar where we can see the latest posts?

Voomo Zanzibar
Voomo Zanzibar
8 years ago
Reply to  Andy

Ah, now I see it.
I had to minimize the size of the screen by one level for it to appear.

Didn’ t think to do that, because websites don’t usually appear on my browser as too big. If anything I have to make them bigger.

I’m in firefox.

8 years ago

The links show up as (lightweight) orange font on a white background in the posts, which is a little hard to read.